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The Gospel Mix Praise Ministry presents Brother Rufus and Lady J every Thursday night at 10, on board the Old Ship of Zion. Brother Rufus and Lady J combines a variety of gospel music from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and today with preaching, praying, Biblical Quiz, Community Talk, Nightly Inspiration, a Moment with the Lovely Lady, Lady J. Things that differ, Heavenly Humor, Share the Laugh and much more. We ask you now to join us in a spirit of both worship and praise as we consider not only the beauty and wonder of creation, but also the power, majesty and promises of the God who made us all, for indeed this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Join us on 1170AM and 107.9 FM, it’s the Heartbeat of the Caribbean, the power and glory.